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Application Forms

Application Forms

Updated: 20.03.2024

WARNING: Since updates are made to the forms to be used when applying, the forms in the links below should be used. The files uploaded to the system should be in .pdf format and should not exceed 4 MB in size.

NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!! Document Delivery After the project application is approved by the commission, the additional files uploaded during the project application and the project application form printed from the system (each page must be initialed) must be delivered to the BAPK office. If it is decided to support your project, expenditures, etc. for projects where wet-signed application documents and "Project Contract"  are not delivered to our office will not be initiated. The project start date is the date on which the BAP Coordination Commission approves the project.

1- Click to download the Project Proposal Form-I. (It will be uploaded to the electronic application system. Each page must be initialed during document submission.)

CAUTION! Project Proposal Form-II will be used for Research Support Project Special Call, Research Projects Supporting Publication Continuity and Research Projects involving undergraduate student.

2- Click to download the Project Proposal Form-II. (The Research Support Project Special Call will be used for Research Projects Supporting Publication Continuity and Research Projects with Undergraduate Participation. Each page must be initialed during document submission.)

3- ​Similarity Report (It should belong to the Project Suggestion Form. It will be uploaded to the electronic application system. Projects with a similarity rate of more than20% are not evaluated. Each page must be initialed during document submission.)

4- CV (It will be uploaded to the electronic application system for the coordinator and researchers. It should be uploaded in YÖKSİS format. Those without YOKSIS information should be uploaded in ARBIS format.)

5- External Funded Project Document (In case of application with external funded project support, it will be uploaded to the application system as a supporting document. Each page must be initialed during document submission.

6- Ethics Committee Document (It will be uploaded to the application system for human and animal experiments. Each page must be initialed during document submission..)

7- Click here to download the Intellectual and Industrial Rights Waiver Form.(It will be uploaded to the electronic application system with the signature of external researchers.)

8- Click here to download the sample Technical Specification. (It will be uploaded to the system for machinery-equipment, fixtures and software purchases. For parts such as computers, it is necessary to add the embezzlement form from the movable registration control officer. Each page must be initialed during document submission.)

9- External Joint Consultant Certificate (The decision taken from the relevant institute for Postgraduate Thesis Projects with external joint consultant will be uploaded to the application system.)

10- EYK Decision of the Thesis Proposal Form (In Postgraduate Thesis Projects, the proof document indicating the date of approval of the thesis proposal from the institute will be uploaded to the application system. Project applications are accepted within 6 months at the latest from the date of approval of the proposal for Master's Thesis Projects and within 12 months at the latest for Doctoral Thesis Projects. Each page must be initialed during document submission.)

11- Click here to download the International Cooperation Research Project Application Form. (Each page must be initialed during document submission.)

12- Click here to download the Article Waiver Form. (For Research Projects Supporting Publication Continuity, it should be uploaded signed by the in-house authors -if not the researcher in the project -)

13- Budget and Justification (To be filled out via the electronic application system.)

CautionIf it is decided to support your project, do not forget to read the description under the heading "Project Contract". 


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