Updated: 06.06.2024
For Research Projects Supporting Publication Continuity, the articles to be used by researchers in the application must be published in 2022 and 2023. Q publications belonging to the Rank of Journal Impact Factor classification will be accepted.
Prepare the following documents before the project application;
Using the SABIS-BAP modüle, the following information will be entered into the system during the application:
After your project receives commission approval;
"Project Application Form", "Project Contract" downloaded from the SABIS-BAP application screen and all wet signed documents uploaded to the system during the application will be delivered to the BAPK office by hand.
To access the current forms; https://bapk.sakarya.edu.tr/tr/icerik/15647/73948/basvuru-formlari
For information:
Sümeyye Erol-7418